How do we honor Jackie Robinson's legacy during a time of continued racism and violence?

How do we honor Jackie Robinson's legacy during a time of continued racism and violence?

Jackie showed us what is possible when we use our greatest gifts to their fullest extent in true service. He lived a life that is to be admired, yes, but there is also a challenge inherent in the legacy of a person who achieved true greatness. Will we rest on his laurels, or will we stand on his shoulders? Will he be a figurehead for hollow celebration, or will we see and remember his humanity and so more clearly recognize our own capacity for greatness?

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Seattle Public Schools 'Just Say No' to police

Seattle Public Schools 'Just Say No' to police

In case you missed it, there will be no police presence in Seattle Public Schools moving forward.

Following the lead of student activists, SPS ended the practice of having police officers — known as “school emphasis officers” — stationed in five middle schools. This announcement came days after Seattle Police used a middle school parking lot as a staging area for anti-protest response without permission

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