Our inequitable schools can't change in time for our kids. If it was going to happen soon, it would be happening right now, and it's not.

Our inequitable schools can't change in time for our kids. If it was going to happen soon, it would be happening right now, and it's not.

For me and my family, we are not turning back to old ways that weren’t working. Even if it’s familiar and simple and alluring.

I want my children’s life and education to be more than a repeat of their parents’ old school wounds. Now is the time to be bold, to make decisions based in faith and a revolutionary view of education.

I’ll keep trying to write about education, but my focus has, with four kids at home, necessarily shifted from demanding radical change from a faceless system, to enacting radical change in my own life. This is a mission.

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Black History Today: Dr. Keisha Sopher-Scarlett, guiding light for Seattle's students

Black History Today: Dr. Keisha Sopher-Scarlett, guiding light for Seattle's students

Black History Today, created by Marcus Harden in honor of Black History Month, pays tribute to the living legacy of Black history in our community and beyond, and recognizes the people like Dr. Keisha Sopher-Scarlett who are shaping the future.

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The entire education system is the culprit, and Denise Juneau is part of it. So, what do we do?

The entire education system is the culprit, and Denise Juneau is part of it. So, what do we do?

By Matt Halvorson

I’m not sure we need to retain Juneau, and I’m not sure we need to let her go. I just feel that it only makes sense to let Juneau go if we are fully committed to being this hard on every part of the System — only if we are finally we are committed to transforming everything — right now.

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