Rise Up for Students stands with the Unist’ot’en and the Wet’suwet’en

Rise Up For Students stands with Wet'suwet'en, the Unist'ot'en, and all those fighting and suffering from colonial injustice.

Remember: to know and to do nothing is to be complicit.

Visit the Unist’ot’en Camp Supporter Toolkit. Stand up as yourself and take action.

A call to live out your principles more fully than ever

A call to live out your principles more fully than ever

Don’t forget that it’s up to us, all of it. All of this. If we don’t upend the current state of affairs, who will? If we don’t fight oppression, who will?

We know what we know. I hope that if nothing else, this might inspire you to think hard. If you saw a movie with yourself as the main character, knowing what you know, what you would expect that character to do? What would that character find him or herself doing in the name of living out your principles?

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